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  1. Visit Benidorm,
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  3. The Benidorm Music Agenda
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The Benidorm Music Agenda

In this section, you’ll find all the concerts taking place in the city featuring various music bands.

Benidorm Choral Group
Wednesday, 18th December, and Friday, 20th December, both at 8:00 PM.

Benidorm Musical Union
Saturday, 21st December
Extraordinary Symphonic Band Concert, conducted by Rafa Gómez.

Tramontana Rondalla Concert
Saturday, 21st December
At 8:00 PM in the Church of San Jaime and Santa Ana.

Christmas Concert
Sunday, 22nd December
Camerata Ars Antica of Benidorm at the Church of San Jaime and Santa Ana at 8:00 PM.

Benidorm Choral Group
Wednesday, 18th December, and Friday, 20th December, both at 8:00 PM.


The Benidorm Music Agenda

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01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025


