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New Informative Campaign to Ensure Tourists Have “the Best Holidays”

The Benidorm Town Council has launched an informative campaign with essential tips to ensure tourists enjoy "the best holidays" in the city. The campaign includes health and safety recommendations and will be disseminated at beach entrances, bus stops, and information screens, as well as distributed to local establishments.

New Informative Campaign to Ensure Tourists Have “the Best Holidays”

The Benidorm Town Council initiated this highly visual informative campaign on Wednesday with the aim of improving tourists' stay and experience in the area. Under the slogan ‘Your Best Holidays in Benidorm’, the campaign presents recommendations in both Spanish and English, covering health topics related to heat and high temperatures, as well as safety measures to avoid illegal activities.

Informative panels are already visible at bus stop shelters, posters, muppies, citizen information screens, and other urban furniture elements in Benidorm. Additionally, they will be placed at the 30 entrances to the Levante, Poniente, and Mal Pas beaches. A thousand posters will be distributed in accommodation, shops, and leisure and restaurant establishments. The campaign will also have a presence on social media and other platforms to reach as many tourists as possible.

The campaign aims to inform tourists on how to maximise their stay in terms of health and safety. Health recommendations include avoiding physical exercise during the central hours of the day and not leaving children, elderly people, or pets inside vehicles. Regarding safety, the campaign warns about the game of three-card monte, indicating that it is not a game and advising tourists not to be deceived. It also warns about the dangers of buying drinks without health controls on the beaches and advises tourists to watch their personal belongings in crowded places or leave them in the hotel, carrying only a photocopy of the original documentation.

The Town Council has indicated that data suggests this year will see high tourist activity, surpassing the occupancy levels of the best historical periods and the data from 2019. To contribute to a more pleasant and safe summer, various reinforcement measures are being implemented.

Collaboration in this campaign includes the Citizen Security and Beaches departments, as well as the comprehensive services concessionaire company managing the beaches. The goal is to ensure a peaceful and safe holiday, highlighting Benidorm as one of the best tourist destinations in the world.

The Town Council has reinforced the police presence on the beaches during the summer season, significantly increasing the number of officers assigned to surveillance. This surveillance will be carried out on the beach, along the promenades, from the water with the zodiac service, and from the air with drones. In addition to the Local Police officers, there will also be reinforcements from the National Police during the summer campaign.

The Local Police will continue to act against unauthorised practices on the beaches, reporting and sanctioning offenders to ensure the safety and tranquillity of all visitors.