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  3. Music returns to l'Hort de Colón
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Music returns to l'Hort de Colón

Every Saturday until September 7

After finishing the rehabilitation of the house-museum, this Saturday, August 17th, we will be able to enjoy a new edition of the cycle ‘Música a l'Hort’.

This edition will feature four free concerts, which will be held every Saturday at 21:00 until 7 September.

  • 17 August - ‘Classical night’, by the Trio Sala, made up of violin, viola and cello.
  • 24 August - ‘Music of Queen, ABBA, Coldplay and The Beatles' by the Salzillo String Quartet.
  • 31 August - ‘Best Film Soundtracks’ by Scordadúo, violin and piano.
  • 7 September - ‘Jazz and Swing music in classical format’ with Orchestalia.

Music returns to l'Hort de Colón

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17/08/2024, 24/08/2024, 31/08/2024, 07/09/2024



